Sasha Robertshaw Acupuncture BSc(Hons) MBAcC Lic Ac Cert KHTac(Seoul) Traditional acupuncture in Witney, Oxfordshire

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Ontology : the sequence of events that have led to the current situation.
Kinesiology : muscle testing.
Mudras : hand modes (placed in the client’s hands).

I use a body of work known as InnerDialogue™ which uses Ontological Kinesiology along with mudras to help understand each person’s individual story. This allows for a non-verbal dialogue, and enables us to find the root cause of the illness, irritation or distress, and what the best treatment may be. We may explore the Life Forces, and how they interact and affect our lives, and how one or more forces may become dominant or ‘out of order’ in certain situations.

Using this system means that the treatment process is client driven rather than practitioner driven, i.e. the process is governed by the person’s unique story and what they need to move forward and resolve a problem.

This process can be extremely useful in situations where someone has a problem that, although it may be temporarily resolved at times, keeps on re-occurring, as this can shed light on the reason why. It can help to identify unresolved traumas, habitual patterns, inherited familial tendencies. Throughout our lives we are subjected to various stresses and traumas, both physical and emotional. We ‘pull ourselves together’ and get on with our lives, but the memory of these events remain in the body and can eventually affect our health until dealt with. This work often appeals to people who would like to understand the reason and root cause for their ailment, and what they can do about it to help themselves.

Allergies : using all the above, this work can be powerful in enabling us to see the irritation(s) at the root cause of the allergy, and thus help it to be resolved.

Cranial Fluid Dynamics : using techniques similar to that of Cranial Sacral Therapy, this body of work uses Kinesiology, mudras, and an understanding of the Life Forces to allow the process to be unique to the patient’s needs and according to their ‘story’.

InnerDialogue™; is a body of work developed by Solihin Thom DO DAc.

To find out more about InnerDialogue™ click here.

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